Contractor Accountants
A list of specialist contractor and freelancer accountants. For those wishing to set up their own limited company or for expert advice on IR35.
Ascot Sinclair Associates – specialist in bespoke accountancy services to contractors.
K&B Accountancy – provide contractor accountancy and IR35 services.
Go Contractor – provide a dedicated Ltd company contractor accounting solution. They take care of everything from the set up of your Ltd company, your invoicing and expenses, all your bookkeeping and Ltd company accounts filing, for only £19.99 + Vat per week!
Meades Contractors – Are an IPSE-accredited firm, whose experienced team of qualified accountants enables contractors, consultants and freelancers to save tax and boost business profitability, safe in the knowledge that their contracts are protected from IR35.
Membership Organisations
A list of specialist contractor and freelancer membership organisation. For help with IR35, finding freelance work to setting up a recruitment agency in the UK.
IPSE – not for profit organisation that represents UK contractors and freelancers.
IR35 Contract Reviews
IR35 contract review and insurance providers for independent contractors and freelancers working outside IR35.
Qdos Contractor – provide IR35 contract reviews and IR35 insurance (covering legal fees and tax penalties).
Umbrella Companies
A list of specialist contractor umbrella companies. For those wishing to work PAYE but still take home more money than being a direct employee.
Cloud9– new generation umbrella company with free same day payments.
Related Services
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Freelancer Financials – contractors & freelancers best friend for financial advise.
C&F Mortgages – mortgages for contractors & freelancers.
Self Employed Mortgages – mortgages for the self employed.